Updated 1/23/2024
An appeal must be submitted in writing to us at contact@LIQUORexam.com within thirty (30) days of receiving the determination being appealed. The appeal should include the stated appeal, the reason for the appeal (including relevant rules and supporting materials), and your contact information. If the appeal is received beyond 30 days, a letter will be sent to inform you that the appeal period has passed. In cases where the appeal lacks necessary information, we will contact you, requesting the required details and providing a fourteen (14) day deadline for response. Failure to respond by the deadline will result in a letter indicating that the appeal period has elapsed.
We will be responsible for the initial review of appeals. The staff review process will occur within ten (10) business days of receiving your appeal, and a response will be sent to you via email. Staff members will recuse themselves from the appeal consideration if there is any reason to question impartiality or if there is an actual or apparent conflict of interest. The initial response to your appeal will fall into one of the following categories:
→ Appeal Granted, along with further instructions for you as needed.
→ Appeal Denied, along with an explanation for the denial and/or information on an alternate course of action if applicable. The denial will include information on your further recourse if you wish to pursue a second level of appeal to the Appeals Panel.
→ Appeal Forwarded to the Appeals Panel (when subject matter expertise is required to consider the appeal).
→ Appeal Delayed, to provide time to gather further information (up to 30 days).