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About LIQUORexam.com

LIQUORexam.com and Affordable Alcohol Training LLC, founded by Edward Mclean in 2003, emerged from a desire to provide essential alcohol server training to as many individuals as possible. With over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Edward, a former bar and restaurant manager, realized the importance of comprehensive training for alcohol servers and bartenders.

Edward's journey began when he took his staff to a training session provided by the local liquor authority. This eye-opening experience inspired him to create his first course and gain approval in the state of California. Recognizing the need for collaboration, he enlisted professionals from various fields, including hospitality, education, and law enforcement, to ensure the highest quality training.

From these humble beginnings, LIQUORexam.com has evolved into a leading national provider of alcohol server training. Today, our extensive catalog includes courses approved in most states, providing comprehensive and state-specific training solutions.

Beyond alcohol server training, we've expanded our offerings to include various courses catering to diverse industries. Explore our range, including Marijuana Handler's Training and CertificationSpirits Knowledge Training, Underground Storage Tank (UST) Class C, Wine Knowledge and Wine Service Training, Workplace Harassment Training, CPR and Basic First Aid Training, Food Allergen Safety Training, Tobacco Retailer Training, Bartender Training, Food Handler Training, Beer Knowledge and Beer Service Training, and more.

With a commitment to excellence and safety, LIQUORexam.com continues to empower individuals across different sectors, contributing to the overall success of establishments nationwide.

The Mission We Pursue:

At the core of our efforts is the commitment to provide accessible online learning courses that streamline access to state-mandated training for workers. We aim to create a flexible and simplified environment, facilitating the acquisition of certificates and empowering alcohol servers and sellers to build successful careers. Setting a national standard for online alcohol serving courses, our vision is to be a globally impactful platform, promoting excellence, technical proficiency, and out-of-the-box training.

Our Vision:

Our vision extends beyond state boundaries, aspiring to equip establishments across the US with the legal training necessary for thriving businesses. We seek to empower alcohol servers and establishments to exceed their potential. By staying true to our mission, fostering excellence, and embracing innovative training, we envision being the leading platform while remaining anchored in our core values, strategic competency, and commitment to our students and communities.

About Us:

LIQUORexam.com is a nationally recognized food and alcohol safety training program dedicated to educating owners, managers, and workers on legal and responsible food and alcohol service. Our fully online courses offer unparalleled flexibility, ensuring compliance with state laws and regulations. With a commitment to easy access to state-approved training, our courses provide a pass guarantee, full audio narration, and competitive prices across all states. With over two decades of experience, we've earned a strong reputation, assisting over 200,000 professionals and continuously updating our programs to instill confidence in our students.

Core ValuesWe value P.E.O.P.L.E


The purpose of our training programs are to teach those working in establishments handling, preparing, and/or serving food or alcohol how to do so responsibly.


Treating everyone alike, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or religion.


Commitment to staying original and professional in our service.


Spreading positive energy, contributing to change, and delivering the highest caliber training. Leadership: Showing accountability, commitment, and quality training, even in challenging situations.


Prioritizing ethical conduct over maximizing profits, with a constant focus on improvement.

Contact us at 888-355-5554 or via email at contact@LIQUORexam.com for inquiries.