Make Alcohol Server Certification and Safety Training a Key Reason Students Choose Your Bartending School

Why Bartender Schools Should Provide Alcohol Server Training

Alcohol server training is essential for anyone working in the bartending and hospitality industry. Here’s why incorporating this training into your offerings is crucial:

Legal Compliance

Ensures your students are aware of and comply with state laws and regulations regarding alcohol service.

Responsible Serving

Educates students on the importance of responsible alcohol serving, including recognizing intoxicated patrons and preventing over-serving.

Enhanced Professionalism

Prepares students to handle challenging situations with confidence, improving their professionalism and customer service skills.

Employer Preference

Many employers prefer or require certified alcohol servers, making your students more marketable and increasing their job prospects.

Online Alcohol Server Training is well-suited to provide this training. Our Alcohol Server Training courses are approved in most states and can be completed entirely online, offering convenience and flexibility for your students. The online format ensures that students can learn at their own pace and schedule, making it easy to integrate into their busy lives.

Complimentary Courses for
Partner Schools

Bartending schools that partner with us to provide Alcohol Server Safety Training and Certification will receive all other courses as complimentary. These courses include:

Server training: The Art of Delivering Hospitality

Spirits 101: Spirits Knowledge Training

Server training: Beer Knowledge/Beer Service Training

Wine Knowledge and Wine Service Training

CPR and Basic First Aid Training

Food Allergen Safety Training

This partnership ensures your students have access to a comprehensive training package that sets them up for success. Our Alcohol Server Training courses are approved in most states, ensuring your students meet legal requirements and are fully prepared to serve alcohol responsibly.

Why Offer Additional Training Courses to Bartending Students?

Bartending schools play a crucial role in shaping the skills and professionalism of future bartenders. By offering a diverse range of training courses through, you can significantly enhance your students' knowledge, making them more versatile and prepared for the dynamic hospitality industry. Here are key benefits:

Enhanced Skill Set

Equip students with a broader range of skills that go beyond mixing drinks, such as food safety, customer service, and first aid.

Increased Employability

Students with comprehensive training are more attractive to employers, opening more job opportunities.

Industry Compliance

Ensure your students meet industry standards and regulations, particularly in areas like food handling and allergen safety.

Improved Customer Experience

Training in hospitality and service techniques ensures students can deliver exceptional customer service, enhancing the reputation of establishments they work for.

Affordable Training Options

We offer flexible and affordable training
solutions for bartending schools:

Price Per Student

Offer these courses to your students for just $4.00 per student.

Net 30 Terms

With our Net 30 terms, you can enjoy the convenience of deferred payment without any credit check or waiting period. Simply pay within 30 days of receiving your invoice.


With our Pay-as-you-go option, we keep a credit card on file and run the card on the 1st of each month for your use. Additionally, we will email you a detailed report of all student activity for that month. 

There are no contracts and no commitments, providing you with the flexibility to choose the best option for your school.

We have the Learning Management System (LMS) you need to meet the needs of your bartending school. Whether you have one location or a chain across many states, we provide the right tools to ensure efficient and effective training.

By choosing the appropriate account type, your bartending school can efficiently meet its specific training needs. Single location schools will benefit from the straightforward management and immediate access provided by the Single Location Owner/Manager Account. In contrast, chain schools or those with multiple branches can take advantage of the advanced features and centralized management offered by the Multi-Location Master Corporate Account.

No matter the size of your Bartender
School, We have the right solution for you!

Single Location Owner/Manager Account

The Single Location Owner/Manager Account is ideal for small businesses with one location or for those who don’t need the additional features available with the Multi-Location Master Corporate Account. This account type offers several benefits tailored to the needs of smaller establishments or individual schools:

  • Immediate Access

    No waiting period required. Register now to purchase course tokens and assign training immediately.

  • Flexible

    Assign training by either sharing an Access Code or inviting staff with an email address and phone number.

  • Progress

    Track the training progress of your employees.

  • Certification

    View, print, and download employee Certificates of Completion.

Multi-Location Master Corporate Account

The Multi-Location Master Corporate Account includes all the features of the Single Location Owner/Manager Account, but also provides the ability to easily manage multiple locations. This account type is perfect for bartending schools with multiple branches or for chain establishments looking to streamline their training management:

  • Comprehensive

    Manage access for each of your locations.

  • Shared

    Share course credits among all your locations.

  • Detailed

    Run reporting on one, some, or all your locations, including total enrollments, exam results, certificates of completion, and more.

  • Team

    Transfer team members between locations, allowing you to more accurately monitor and track employee training records.

Partner with Us is well-suited to partner with bartender schools nationwide. Our comprehensive training programs are designed to complement your existing curriculum, providing your students with the essential skills needed to succeed in the hospitality industry. Join us in enhancing the education and opportunities for future bartenders.

Interested in Learning More?

We are here to help you find the perfect training solutions for your bartending school. Please fill out the form below, and a member of our team will get back to you promptly with the information you need.

School Name
Contact Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Number of Students
Account Type Interested In
Additional Information/Questions